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Health care system in Spain

Healthcare System in Spain 

The Spanish healthcare system is ranked among the bestin the world. Here is how to sign up to free state healthcare in Spain or applyfor health insurance. There are numerous factors to consider when looking tolive and work abroad, not least those relating to your health and well-being.Finding the appropriate level of health coverage is essential for anyone movingabroad, but with so many different options available it can sometimes provetricky to find the package best suited to you.

If you are living and working in Spain, you will likelyhave access to Spain's free state healthcare, paid partly by social securitypayments, which will be deducted from your wage.As an expat, you are entitled to free state healthcareif you are:

  • resident in Spain and work in employment or self-employment and pay social security contributions,
  • resident in Spain and receiving certain state benefits,
  • resident in Spain and recently divorced or separated from a partner registered with social security,
  • a child resident in Spain,
  • a pregnant woman who is resident in Spain,
  • under 26 and studying in Spain,
  • a state pensioner, or
  • staying temporarily in Spain and have an EHIC card.

If you do not have the right to state healthcare, youhave to organise private health cover. If you have been registered on the padrón atyour town hall for a year, the Spanish government has a state insurance scheme(convenio especial) with a basic monthly fee. This is administered bythe authorities in each autonomous region.

For Spain's public health care, once you haveregistered with the TGSS (Dirección General de la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social) you'll be given a social security number and a certificate stating thatyou're entitled to medical help. You then take the certificate, passport andNIE number along to your local health centre. You can then register with adoctor and apply for a health card (tarjeta sanitaria individual or TSI).

If you have an EHIC (European Health InsuranceCard) issued by an EU-member state and you are in Spain on a holidayor other temporary visit (you are not a resident in Spain), you can use yourEHIC to access state healthcare in Spain, also use it if you are studying inSpain as part of a course based in your home country. You can get any medicallynecessary treatment through the state system either at a reduced cost or freewith the EHIC. But you cannot use the EHIC if you are coming to Spain specificallyto get medical treatment or to give birth.

For more information:
  • Seguridad Social, the Spanish social security office, where you can find information on all social benefits including registering for national insurance. Some of the information is in English.
  • Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, the website of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has more information about the Spanish healthcare system
Plaza del Tono 1
Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663

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