• Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663
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Inspection trip

Inspection trips

We offer tours forcustomers looking at properties with our company. 
We will make sure thatyou get to see the best offers in our region, and of course the goal is for youto go back with a reservation agreement in your hand! 

What do we offer?
We can offer properties bothfrom the private sector, new development and off plan - so you can see the bestoffers across the region.This allows you to see all available items that meet your needs andrequirements, without having to travel to Spain several times - or bookappointments with several different agents. 

How long should you stay?
Our customers arerecommended to stay for a minimum of 3 days and 2 nights. This is almostnecessary so that you can get a picture of the property, the area and what ithas to offer.The days must be on weekdays so that we have the time and opportunity tointroduce you to a solicitor if you decide to buy a property of your liking. 

Where will I live?
You choose and book youraccommodation yourself when you are here. If you buy a property from usduring your stay, we will reimburse you for a 2 night hotel stay worth up to atotal of € 100.In some cases, we can also reimburse the flight afterwards with up to a totalof € 400, depending on which property you choose to buy. 

What happens during a visit?
We take care of youthroughout your visit. During the days we will show you the best offersthat suit your needs and budget, whether it is resale, new development or offplan.We help you meetindependent and reputable solicitors to discuss your purchase and meet a Notaryto write a power of attorney for the solicitor.We can help you open a bank account and get in touch with local banks todiscuss mortgages if needed.In the evenings you will be "free" to enjoy food, drinks and thewonderful micro climate in the Mazarrón area and at the same time have time toformulate your thoughts and reflections. 

Is there anything I can prepare before I arrive?
You need to know yourbudget, so that you know what financial conditions you have before apurchase. If you need a mortgage from a Spanish bank, we recommend thatyou get in contact with us and we will let you know what papers you need toprepare. 

How do you book your visit?
Contact us to discussyour conditions and requirements. Before you contact us, it is advised tocheck your calendar and flight times so that you have an idea of when you canarrive.Murcia / San Javier is the nearest airport to use, but Alicante is just over anhour away. 

What do you need to bring?
Nothing you do notalready have for natural reasons. You will bring your passport, so it is agood idea to have it close at hand in the event of a meeting with solicitorsand / or banks.If you decide to reserve a property, you can pay the reservation fee in cash orby a bank transfer. 

What happens if you want to meet other agents during your visit?
It is perfectly alrightto book meetings with all the agents you want! We will of course give youthe same service and tour anyway. 

Plaza del Tono 1
Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663

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