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  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
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Showing 1 to 12 of 14
Ban on renting out one's home in Spain - yes or no?

Ban on renting out one's home in Spain - yes or no?

04 09 - 2024

In 2019, a change in the law made it possible for communities (urbanisations) to ban tourist rentals in their association. Since then, many associations have chosen to ban new tourist rentals with 60% of owners voting in favor of a ban. A ban may be good for some, who want peace and quiet, but not so good for others. Namely those who want to sell the property, because a ban can lower the property price by up to 15%. So what happens in practice when an association bans tourist rentals? First of all: The properties that already have rental licenses cannot be prohibited from continuing to rent. All previous licenses continue to be valid. So many times those who caused problems (by not vetting their tenants) will continue to be able to rent. But the association can vote to increase the...

Unlocking the financial benefits of renting out in Spain

Unlocking the financial benefits of renting out in Spain

14 02 - 2024

Unlocking the financial benefits of renting out in SpainSpain, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history, has long been amagnet for tourists and expatriates alike. Yet, beyond the allure of its beaches and cities, Spain presents a lucrative opportunity for those considering investing in real estate. Renting out property in Spain isn't just about owning a slice of Mediterranean paradise; it's also about tapping into a wealth of financial benefits that can potentially yield substantial returns.1. Tourism BoomSpain ranks consistently as one of the world's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. From the bustling streets of Barcelona to the tranquil shores of the Balearic Islands, the country offers a diverse range of attractions that cater...

The Controversy of Bullfighting in Spain: Exploring the Positive and Negative Aspects

The Controversy of Bullfighting in Spain: Exploring the Positive and Negative Aspects

13 02 - 2024

The Controversy of Bullfighting in Spain:Exploring the Positive and Negative AspectsBullfighting,or corrida de toros, has long been an integral part of Spanish culture, drawingboth admiration and criticism from around the world. This centuries-oldtradition stirs intense emotions among proponents who see it as an art form andopponents who decry it as cruel and outdated. In this blog post, we'll delveinto the positive and negative aspects of bullfighting in Spain.The Positives of BullfightingCulturalHeritage and TraditionBullfightingis deeply rooted in Spanish culture and history. It's a tradition that has beenpassed down through generations, with its origins...

Unveiling Spain's Farming Dilemma: Understanding the Current Farmers' Strike

Unveiling Spain's Farming Dilemma: Understanding the Current Farmers' Strike

13 02 - 2024

UnveilingSpain's Farming Dilemma: Understanding the Current Farmers' StrikeIn recenttimes, Spain has witnessed a significant uprising within its agriculturalsector, as farmers across the country have taken to the streets to voice theirgrievances and demand change. The ongoing farmers' strike has captured thenation's attention, shedding light on the challenges and complexities faced bythose who toil the land to feed the population and sustain the economy.TheRoots of the StrikeThe rootsof the farmers' strike in Spain can be traced back to a multitude of factorsthat have compounded over time. One of the primary concerns revolves around thedisparity between the costs of production and the prices farmers receive fortheir products. Many farmers argue that the current market prices fail to...

Here are some historical facts about the Murcia region

Here are some historical facts about the Murcia region

13 02 - 2024

The regionof Murcia, located in southeastern Spain, boasts a rich history dating backthousands of years. Here are some historical facts about the Murcia region:1. AncientSettlements: The area that is now Murcia has been inhabited since ancienttimes. It was home to various prehistoric cultures, including the Iberians, whoestablished settlements in the region.2. RomanInfluence: Murcia was under Roman rule for several centuries, beginning in the3rd century BC. The Romans left their mark on the region through theconstruction of roads, bridges, and buildings. One notable Roman site in Murciais the archaeological site of Begastri, near the town of Cehegín.3. IslamicRule: In the 8th century AD, the Moors, led by the Umayyad Caliphate, conqueredthe Iberian Peninsula, including the Murcia...

¡Viva la Salud! Exploring the Health Benefits of Living in Spain

¡Viva la Salud! Exploring the Health Benefits of Living in Spain

12 02 - 2024

Spain, acountry renowned for its vibrant culture, rich history, and delectable cuisine, offers more than just picturesque landscapes and lively fiestas. It turns out that living in Spain isn't just good for the soul; it's also a boon for your health! From Mediterranean diet secrets to an enviable climate, let's delveinto the health benefits that make Spain a true gem for well-being.1. The Mediterranean Diet: A Recipe for LongevityForget faddiets and calorie counting — Spain has cracked the code to healthy eating withits iconic Mediterranean diet. Packed with fresh fruits, vegetables, olive oil,nuts, legumes, and fish, this culinary masterpiece isn't just delicious; it'salso scientifically proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, and promote overall...

7 Hilarious reasons why buying property in the bay of Mazarrón is a brilliant idea!

7 Hilarious reasons why buying property in the bay of Mazarrón is a brilliant idea!

12 02 - 2024

Thinking about buying property somewhere in the bay of Mazarrón, Spain? Well, hold on to your sombreros because I've got seven rib-tickling reasons why it's the best decision you'll ever make!1. Sunshine Galore: If sunshine were a currency, Murcia region would be a billionaire! With over 320 days of glorious sunshine per year, you'll have more reasons to wear your shades than you'll know what to do with. Say goodbye to those dreary, cloudy days and hello to perpetual summer vibes!2. Orange You Glad You Came: Murcia region isn't just famous for its sunny weather; it's also the orange capital of Spain! Forget about orange juice from concentrate—here, you can pluck oranges straight from the tree and enjoy a glass of freshly squeezed sunshine every morning.3. Tapas Time, All the Time: In...

Welcome to the stunning Bay of Mazarrón

Welcome to the stunning Bay of Mazarrón

23 05 - 2023

Welcome to the stunning Bay of Mazarrón, a true paradise on the southeastern coast of Spain!Nestled between the sparkling Mediterranean Sea and the majestic Sierra de las Moreras mountains, this area is a haven for sun seekers, nature enthusiasts, and those looking for a slice of authentic Spanish charm. Discover the unique coastal towns of Isla Plana, Puerto de Mazarrón, Bolnuevo, and La Azohia, each offering its own distinct beauty and allure.Let's start our journey in La Azohia, a tranquil coastal enclave tucked away at the edge of the bay. Surrounded by untouched nature reserves, this idyllic fishing village offers a peaceful retreat for those seeking serenity. Explore the rugged coastline, go hiking in the nearby mountains, or embark on a scuba diving adventure to discover the...

7 reasons to choose Puerto de Mazarrón

7 reasons to choose Puerto de Mazarrón

27 03 - 2023

There are many advantages to living in Puerto de Mazarrón, a charming coastal fishing village in the region of Murcia in southeastern Spain. Here are some of the biggest benefits:1. Amazing nature: Puerto de Mazarrón has a beautiful nature with spectacular beaches, crystal clear water and fantastic mountain views. There are many opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling or swimming in the sea.2. Climate: Puerto de Mazarrón has a fantastic Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot summers. It is perfect for people who like sun, beach and water activities.3. Quality of life: The area has a relaxed lifestyle and a slow pace that helps...

Welcome to Costa Calida

Welcome to Costa Calida

21 09 - 2022

Welcome to the CostaCalida - or the Warm Coast       “The Warm Coast” is the meaning of Costa Cálida, this is due to the very special micro climate of the area, which makes it a few degrees hotter than everywhere else in Spain, thus creating  a  somewhat arid micro climate, with less than 340 mm of rain annually: in fact, it is the hottest coast in the Mediterranean Sea.       This is great news for everyone looking for quality bathing time year-round, and only a handful of rainy days.Nonetheless, great weather is not the only thing that makes CostaCálida one of the most attractive Costas for tourists.There are , which are recognized by the EU to have the perfect...

Invest in a property in Costa Cálida

Invest in a property in Costa Cálida

21 09 - 2022

Planning to invest in the real estate market of Costa Cálida?The last 12 month, the prices in Spanish properties has increased around 7%, despite pandemic and war, which is a good indication of the future in the market.Prices in the Murciaregion are about 35% under the national average. They remained at the lower levels since 2008 and is one of the cheapest places in Spain where you can enjoy beaches, sun and really good prices. Prices per regionPrices in Murcia compared to Spain in average:Costa Cálida is also one of the most visited Costas in Spain (about 1,5 million visitors per year), which means that this region,close to the Mediterranean Sea, is a perfect place to buy for everyone who plans to rent out the property, when not using it themselves.

Spain's National Day

Spain's National Day

20 09 - 2022

When is Spain's National Day celebrated?This holiday is always celebrated on October 12. If October 12 is a Sunday, some regions of Spain may move the celebration to Monday October 13. Maybe because Sunday is already a holiday...?Spain's National Day and is also known as Hispanic Day or Fiesta Nacional de España or Día de la Hispanidad.History of Spain's National DayThis national holiday honors the exact date Christopher Columbus first set foot in America.Columbus tried to find a western route to India. After leaving the Canary Islands, Columbus' ship had been sailing west for five weeks, when on the morning of October 12, 1492, solid land was sighted for the...

Showing 1 to 12 of 14
Plaza del Tono 1
Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663

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