Invest in a property in Costa Cálida
Planning to invest in the real estate market of Costa Cálida?
The last 12 month, the prices in Spanish properties has increased around 7%, despite pandemic and war, which is a good indication of the future in the market.
Prices in the Murciaregion are about 35% under the national average.
They remained at the lower levels since 2008 and is one of the cheapest places in Spain where you can enjoy beaches, sun and really good prices.
Prices per region
Prices in Murcia compared to Spain in average:
Costa Cálida is also one of the most visited Costas in Spain (about 1,5 million visitors per year), which means that this region,close to the Mediterranean Sea, is a perfect place to buy for everyone who plans to rent out the property, when not using it themselves.

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