• Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663
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Why choose Spaindinavia

Why use Spaindinavia?

All items are hand-picked
We believe in quality before quantity! Therefore, we are careful aboutwhich objects we market and sell. We only offer the objects we know are agood deal and where we know that you get good financial terms (if you wish) andthat you can relatively quickly easily get full cost coverage viarental. We look at the property's location, age, condition, distance fromthe sea, city centre & airport as well as the area's increase in value andfuture plans. All in all, this gives us a good insight into the overallbusiness and the home's "hidden values". Of course, we also lookat how attractive the home is for renting, as many of our customers choose tofinance their Spanish home by renting it out when they themselves are not inplace.

Support throughout the process
It should be fun and exciting to buy a home in the sun! We are experts inthe Costa Calida (the Warm Coast) and especially the Bay of Mazarrón, and wewill support you throughout your process. The questions and concerns thatmay arise along the way, we will help you get answered and eliminate yourworries. It should be smooth and fun to buy a home in Spain - and weensure that your start in Spain will be the best possible!

Legal and local expertsIt can be confusing to establish yourself in a new country. Buying a homein Spain is different from buying in e.g. a Scandinavian country. InSpain, a lot of responsibility lies in the buyer's duty to investigate andtherefore you should always have a solicitor when buying a property. Wework with several reliable experts such as solicitors, notaries andbanks. This, so that you can get all the legal and financial help you needfor your purchase. Once the purchase has been completed, we have a numberof service companies we can recommend, such as the Internet, electronics,interior design, lighting, plants, etc.

Finance the purchase byrentingMany clients choose to rent out their accommodation when they are not inplace. This is a great opportunity to get cost coverage, and even have someextra money at your bank account when you come for a holiday! We atSpaindinavia have become experts in maximizing the occupancy rate and offerRental Services to our customers, so that you get started quickly and easily andthus get income from your accommodation in Spain. Of course, you haveseveral different solutions to choose from and you can read more about this onour page "Rental service".

Satisfied customers
Without our customers we would not exist. Our customers often become ourfriends and therefore we see our first customer meeting as a start to a longand joyful relationship for both parties. This means that right from thestart we have an open and honest dialogue so that all cards are put on thetable and that all conditions and expectations are set correctly andreasonably. If you are happy, we will be happy - and that is what westrive for. In other words; Total transparency.

Better health
The climate in Spain is fantastic. Costa Calida means "the WarmCoast" and as the name explains, this part of the country is the warmestregion with the most hours of sunshine. The World Health Organization,WHO, rates Costa Calida's coastal strip as one of the world's healthiest placesto live. This is partly due to the many sunny days, approximately 330 daysper year, and partly because the heat is distributed unusually evenly over theyear with an average temperature of just over 20 degrees Celsius. The mildclimate attracts many people here for health reasons. People who havesuffered from osteoarthritis, rheumatism and other pain, muscle or jointproblems can feel a noticeable improvement after a short period of time. Theso-called microclimate (salty winds from the sea in combination with the drydesert climate surrounded by mountains) is also said to be very favourable forpeople with allergies, asthma and psoriasis.

You do not have to suffer from physical ailments to benefit from themicroclimate:
Active people such as yoga practitioners, gymnasts, cyclists, runnersand mountaineers, etc. notice how much better the body recovers after hardworkouts.

Plaza del Tono 1
Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • Spaindinavia Real Estate Agency
  • Plaza del Tono 1
  • 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
  • +34 643 414 664
  • +34 643 414 663

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